K. Sravan Kumar, Ph.D.

Our Universe is full of grandeur with awe-inspiring vastness, brightness, and darkness. All the spectacular large-scale structures we enjoy and wonder about in our clear night sky can be described by the magic of math and logic, which we call Theoretical Physics. From the dawn of the 19th century, our quest through theoretical physics (of course, with the help of experiments and observations) has revealed astonishing secrets of nature from the subatomic scale to galactic and even cosmological scales. This has transformed and transcended humankind both scientifically and culturally, adding an additional shine to our beautiful pale blue dot in our seemingly endless cosmos.
Here I stand on the shoulders of brilliant minds and trying hard to understand and resolve the biggest questions we have about the Universe, nature of gravity, and matter at high energy scales. Join me in my journey of passion, hard work, and obsession with Theoretical High Energy Physics (THEP), Cosmology and Astrophysics

Big questions that challenge me all the time?
Why our Universe tends to be very homogeneous and Isotropic on large scales? On what principles Einstein's General Theory of Relativity must be modified so that can describe the past, current, and future evolution of our Universe?
Why our Universe is mostly filled with so-called dark matter and dark energy? What we see in the night sky is only about 4 % of the energy in the whole Universe. What fundamental theory of gravity and/or matter aptly describe the dark sector?
The most bizarre objects that we now certainly know that exist are Black-holes which were and will definitely be the obsession for generations. Neither do we fully understand their geometry nor what they are made of?. What realistic route in theoretical high energy physics can lead us to the understanding of these mysterious objects?

Hawking Radiation with pure states, (K. Sravan Kumar, J. Marto), arXiv: 2407.18652 [gr-qc].
Revisiting quantum field theory in Rindler spacetime with superselection rules, (K. Sravan Kumar, J. Marto), 2405.20995 [gr-qc], Universe 10 (2024) 320.
Towards a unitary formulation of quantum field theory in curved spacetime II: the case of Schwarzschild black hole (K. Sravan Kumar, J. Marto), arXiv: 2307.10345 [hep-th].
Cosmology in nonlocal gravity, (A. S. Koshelev, K. Sravan Kumar, A. A. Starobinsky), arXiv: 2305.18716 [hep-th].
Towards a unitary formulation of quantum field theory in curved spacetime I: the case of de Sitter spacetime (K. Sravan Kumar, J. Marto), arXiv: 2305.06046 [hep-th].
Parity asymmetry of primordial power spectra (K. Sravan Kumar, J. Marto) arXiv:2209.03928 [gr-qc]